Tuesday, April 5, 2011

More Thank You's

Mary Ann's darling feet and fancy pedicure (we'll take color suggestions for her next pedicure, we need to mix things up!)
Like my dad stated, words cannot express how thankful we are to all of you for your prayers of healing and comfort. We really feel the good vibes coming our way and are thrilled at the progress that mom has made. Today she was very wakeful and can move her toes on command. She is also able to blink to yes and no questions. 
We'd like to mention some other fun things we are thankful for: permanent cosmetics (all the nurses are impressed), cool nurses, texas sheet cake, disco physical therapy moves, evening serenades, coconut oil (our lotion and massage oil of choice) and of course cute toes. 


  1. I am so very grateful that you have started this page. We are out of the loop also, but that does not change how very much Mary Ann means to me. I love you, dear Mary Ann. Keep fighting and get better quickly. We are praying for you.
    Judy Robertson

  2. Love the toes. Have heard hot fuchsia has healing properties! Seriously you guys and your awesome mom are in our prayers every day. Will visit later this month (women's conference). Susan H

  3. very cute toes! i'm so glad she's progressing.

  4. I'm so glad that she is doing well. I vote blue toenail polish next time.

  5. Those sure are cute toes, MA! Keep them wiggling! We love you and are with you in our prayers. We are so sorry that you have had this "series of unfortunate events" this year. We're glad that you've got such loving daughters with you. Heavenly Father's blessings to you all.
    Love, Lonnie and Bob
